DGFT Digital Signature Service


DGFT Digital Signature Service

We are engaged in offering Safe EXIM For DGFT services to our clients.

There is a requirement of digital certificate, which is required for digitally signing any document in electronic format or for transactions being performed through a web-browser. Our clients can apply for licenses electronically with the DGFT and digitally sign the online license application using the safe exim certificate. The data and the action with the person signing it is associated by digital signature and any subsequent changes to the data can be detected. Moreover, it is a more secure way for transaction online in comparison with an user id password based system.

Lawson & Associates

We have flourished our business under the visionary guidance of our promoter, ‘Mr. Joginder Singh Sagu’. His competitive business strategy, constant inspiration and in-depth domain expertise have enabled us to stay ahead over our competitors.



House No. 173,street no. 5,block-D,sangam vhiar

new delhi-110080,delhi,India


19/583, DDA Flate, Kalka Ji

 New Delhi – 110019


near comunity center,Kotla Mubarakpur,

southExtn-1 new delhi,India